How to Get Both Your Home & Your Family Back-to-School Ready

home organizing tips for back to school

Ah, the back-to-school season – that magical time of year when your home transforms from a summer playground into a bustling hub of learning and activities. With backpacks, books, and busy schedules about to make their grand entrance, it's the perfect moment to make a few adjustments around the house. Why? Well, because an organized home sets the stage for a smooth, stress-free transition back to school life.

When the back-to-school season rolls around, families experience a whirlwind of changes. From the return of early morning routines to after-school activities and homework sessions, life gets a little more structured. Suddenly, your home isn't just a place to relax; it's a multitasking haven for work, play, and learning. Adapting your space to accommodate these changes not only makes life easier but also helps create an environment that supports your family's growth and development.

So, what can you do to prepare your home for the school year? Let's dive in!

organizing tips for back to school

Below are our top 3 tips to get organized for back to school!

get organized for back to school

TIP #1 Organize an Efficient & Optimal Entryway

Your entryway is the first thing your family encounters when coming home and the last stop before leaving. Making it highly functional is a game-changer.

Start by installing sturdy coat hooks for each family member; this not only keeps outerwear off the floor but also ensures that nobody forgets their jacket or backpack in the morning rush.

Designate a dedicated spot for backpacks, ideally at eye level for your kids. Having a designated spot means no more frantic searches in the morning for missing bags. It teaches responsibility too, as kids can be responsible for putting their backpacks away when they return home.

Shoe bins or racks are a must to keep footwear organized and prevent a pile-up of shoes at the door. This not only adds to the cleanliness of your home but also saves time because everyone can easily find their shoes.

Consider adding a basket or cubby for sports equipment and other frequently used items. It's an efficient way to ensure soccer balls, baseball gloves, and other gear don't end up scattered around the house.

A calendar or bulletin board is your secret weapon for maintaining sanity during the school year. Use it to track school schedules, extracurricular activities, and important dates. This way, no appointment, school event, or birthday party slips through the cracks, helping you stay organized and on top of your family's busy life.

Incorporating these simple changes into your entryway not only creates an organized and efficient space but also sets a positive tone for the school year. You'll experience less morning stress, fewer lost items, and a sense of order that can permeate your entire home and daily routine. So, get ready to conquer the back-to-school season with a well-organized entryway that streamlines your family's life!


Tip #2 Set Up a Dedicated Space for Self-Service

In the hustle and bustle of the school year, mornings can be a whirlwind. Setting up a self-serve meal area can be a game-changer. Imagine this: Your kids wake up, and instead of relying on you to prepare breakfast, they head to a designated space in the kitchen where everything they need is within reach.

Designate a Cabinet or Pantry: Start by designating a lower cabinet or pantry shelf for this purpose. This becomes the go-to spot for kid-friendly dishes, cups, and healthy breakfast and snack options. Placing these items at their eye level ensures that your little ones can easily access what they need without your assistance.

Healthy Snacks at the Ready: Stock this cabinet with a variety of healthy and easy-to-grab snacks. Think granola bars, yogurt cups, pre-portioned fruit, and whole-grain cereal. Having these options readily available encourages kids to make nutritious choices when they're hungry.

Cereal Dispensers and Fruit Bowls: Consider investing in cereal dispensers and fruit bowls for your countertop or breakfast bar. These not only add a touch of convenience but also make breakfast preparation a breeze. Your kids can simply pour their favorite cereal and top it with fresh fruit or yogurt, all without needing your help.

Fostering Independence: Creating a self-serve area fosters independence and responsibility in your children. They learn to make choices and serve themselves, which are essential life skills. Plus, it frees up your mornings, reducing the rush and allowing you to focus on your own tasks.

Healthy Eating Habits: Beyond convenience, this setup encourages healthy eating habits. When kids have access to wholesome options, they're more likely to choose them over less nutritious alternatives. It's a win-win for everyone.

By establishing a dedicated self-serve meal area in your kitchen, you not only streamline your mornings but also empower your kids to take charge of their own meals. It's a small change that can make a big difference, fostering independence, healthy eating habits, and a smoother morning routine during the school year.

looking for a step-by-step guide to get your home decluttered + organized?


mindset, decluttering, organizing, and maintaining tips for each area of your home!


organizing tips for parents

Tip #3 Find & Install a Family Information Center

Create a Central Hub: In the fast-paced world of school and extracurricular activities, keeping everyone on the same page can be challenging. That's where a family information center comes in. Designate a central area in your home, often in the kitchen or hallway, where everyone can easily access it.

Monthly Calendar: Hang a monthly calendar prominently on the wall. This calendar will be the heartbeat of your family's organization. Use it to track school events, sports schedules, appointments, and important dates. Make it a habit to update it regularly, and color-coding can be a fun way to differentiate between family members' activities.

Magnetic Board: Next, install a magnetic board adjacent to the calendar. This is where you can display important documents, permission slips, artwork, and, of course, homework that needs attention. Magnetic boards are versatile and allow for easy swapping of items, ensuring nothing gets misplaced.

Message Center: Dedicate a section of your family information center to messages. This could be a corkboard, a chalkboard, or even a whiteboard. Use it for jotting down notes, grocery lists, and reminders. It's a handy spot for quick communication within the family.

Emergency Contacts: Include a section for emergency contacts. Have a list of essential phone numbers readily available for all family members to see. This ensures everyone knows who to call in case of an emergency.

To-Do Lists: Consider adding a section for to-do lists or tasks that need attention. It's an excellent way to keep track of ongoing projects or chores that need to be tackled.

Stay Organized & Connected: Your family information center becomes your go-to spot for staying organized and connected. It's where everyone can quickly check schedules, leave messages, and keep important documents visible. By having this central hub, you reduce the chances of missed events or misplaced papers, leading to a more organized and stress-free family life.

Remember to involve your family in using this space. Encourage them to update the calendar, leave messages, or add to the to-do list. It's a collaborative effort that fosters communication and keeps everyone in sync during the school year and beyond.

Here are some of our favorite systems you can purchase. There are also great DIY tutorials online.

THE BROOKE Wall Organizer from 1Thrive

Wall organizer Brooke is an organizational dynamo and can answer every “Where is?” or “What is?” question at home with a nod at this 1Thrive Command Center.

Daily Organization System from Pottery Barn

Every detail has been considered for maximum use and with an easy-to-hang cleat system, you'll be organizing your home office space in no time.

Personalized Acrylic Wall Calendar from Amazon

Personalize the title and side sections to fit your unique needs and write your appointments, deadlines, events, meal planning, shopping, etc.


By implementing these straightforward organizing tips, you'll infuse your daily life with a dose of peace and clarity during the upcoming school year. 📚 🚌 ✏️ Say goodbye to morning chaos and the stress of misplaced homework as you create a harmonious and efficient living space that supports your family's well-being.


If you're ready for a home that feels effortless and supports your busy life this school year, I would LOVE to help. Reach out and let's chat!

xo ,Sarah

Sarah Schierschool, 2023Comment