Simplify Your Space: 10 Tips to Kickstart Your Decluttering Journey


If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the chaos in your home or wished for a more serene living space, you're in the right place. In this blog, we'll explore ten crucial tips to prepare you for simplifying your space and launching your decluttering adventure. Whether you're a seasoned organizer or just getting started, these tips are your essential pre-decluttering toolkit. So, roll up your sleeves, and let's dive into the wonderful world of decluttering!


Below are our top 10 tips to kickstart your decluttering journey!


TIP #1 Preparing Your Minimalist Mindset

Before you dive into decluttering, consider adopting a minimalist mindset. This mindset shift can transform your approach to decluttering, setting the stage for a simpler, more intentional life.

Starting with a clear understanding of what minimalism means to you can help you make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of in your home.

Remember, minimalism is not about deprivation but about prioritizing what truly matters.


TIP #2 Anticipating Decluttering Challenges

It's essential to be prepared for potential resistance and challenges from well-meaning friends and family before you begin decluttering. People may have differing opinions about your decision to declutter, so it's essential to know your "why" and stay focused on your goals.

Ensuring that you have the mental strength to face these challenges will make your decluttering journey more successful and less stressful. You are the captain of your decluttering ship; don't let external opinions steer you off course.


TIP #3 Acknowledging Your Unique Habits

Recognizing your quirky habits and acknowledging how they contributed to clutter is a crucial step before you start decluttering. It's a chance to understand your attachment to certain items and give yourself permission to move forward.

By confronting these habits and being aware of them, you can make more informed decisions during the decluttering process. Embrace the quirks that make you unique, but don't let them hold you back from decluttering success.


TIP #4 Respecting Boundaries Before You Begin

It's vital to establish boundaries and rules regarding other people's belongings before you start decluttering. Make it clear that you won't touch or discard items that don't belong to you without permission.

Setting these boundaries in advance ensures that everyone is on the same page and respects each other's belongings throughout the decluttering process. Remember, respect is the cornerstone of a successful decluttering journey.


TIP #5 Capture Memories in Advance

Before you part with sentimental items, consider taking photographs to preserve the memories associated with them. This step ensures that you can hold onto the sentimental value even after the physical items are gone.

Capturing these memories in advance can help ease the emotional aspect of decluttering, making it more manageable. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and they can preserve the essence of cherished items.


TIP #6 Choosing Swift Decluttering Over Selling

Decide early on whether you want to prioritize swift decluttering over the potentially time-consuming process of selling items. Selling can be tempting but may slow down your overall progress.

By opting for immediate decluttering, you can quickly clear out your space and enjoy the benefits of a clutter-free home sooner. Remember, the goal is a clutter-free space, not a lengthy eBay listing.


TIP #7 Mentally Preparing for Overwhelm

Before you begin decluttering, it's essential to prepare for moments of overwhelm. Acknowledge that decluttering can sometimes feel like an enormous task.

Understanding that it's normal to feel overwhelmed will help you stay patient and focused on the process. Break down your decluttering journey into manageable chunks to avoid feeling swamped.


TIP #8 Putting Your Stuff First

Emphasize the importance of prioritizing your belongings and deciding what stays and what goes in your life before starting the decluttering process.

Understanding that your space should reflect your individual values and priorities is a fundamental step before you begin decluttering. Your space, your rules, your serenity.


TIP #9 Celebrate Small Wins Before You Begin

Before you even start decluttering, establish a mindset of celebrating small victories. Each item you decide to let go of represents progress toward your goal of a clutter-free space.

Setting the intention to celebrate these wins will help keep you motivated as you declutter. Small wins are like stepping stones on your path to decluttering success.


TIP #10 Avoiding Burnout in Advance

Burnout can be a real challenge when decluttering, so it's crucial to plan in advance to avoid it. Set realistic expectations for the pace of your decluttering journey.

Recognizing your limits and scheduling breaks will help you maintain your energy and motivation throughout the process. Think of decluttering as a marathon with scheduled water breaks, not a sprint.

how to organize and declutter your home

looking for a step-by-step guide to get your home decluttered + organized?

Grab the ultimate home organizing guide!

mindset, decluttering, organizing, and maintaining tips for each area of your home!



If you're ready for a home that feels effortless and supports your busy life this school year, I would LOVE to help. Reach out and let's chat!

xo ,Sarah

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