3 Simple Habits to Increase Long-Term Organization at Home

habits to increase long term organization at home

Let's be real—keeping things in order isn't a piece of cake if we don't plan for the long haul. But don't worry; I've got your back with some fantastic strategies that will take your home organization to a whole new level! So, if you're tired of the never-ending cycle of clutter and want to establish lasting order, you're in for a treat. Get ready for three simple yet powerful habits that will transform your living spaces and make tidying up a breeze, no matter how busy life gets. With these hassle-free tips, keeping an organized home will become a natural part of your daily routine, and you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner.

So, grab your favorite beverage, put on your comfiest slippers, and let's whip those spaces into shape together! Say goodbye to chaos and hello to an effortlessly tidy and stress-free living space that you'll be proud to call home. Are you ready? Let's dive in!

organized kitchen

Below are 3 habits to increase long-term organization in your home!


TIP #1 Transform Your Thinking

Like most habits, it all starts with your mindset. Here's a refreshing perspective: forget about the giant transformations! Let's switch our expectations and enjoy the magic of celebrating each small win along the way. Even a 10% improvement is a step closer to that organized haven you deserve! 

While hiring a professional home organizing company like Beautiful Life can work wonders and revamp an entire space in a day, it's important to remember that DIY organizing is a different ball game, and that's totally okay! Progress might take a bit longer, and that's absolutely fine. The key is to stay patient with yourself and recognize that the journey of organizing your home is a rewarding one, filled with growth and personalization. So, whether you're tackling one room at a time or focusing on smaller tasks, every step forward counts. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same goes for an organized home. Take a deep breath, celebrate those baby steps, and let the joy of progress propel you forward! With each little improvement, you'll create a ripple effect of positive change throughout your space, ultimately transforming it into a personalized sanctuary you'll love coming home to. So, let's raise a toast to the power of small wins and the beauty of an organized, clutter-free life!


Tip #2 Arrange for it in Advance

Let's set ourselves up for organizational success! Planning in advance is the secret sauce—because, let's be real, becoming organized won't happen in a snap. Make it easy on yourself by having organizing solutions ready and available. For example, how about using two trays to sort incoming mail or creating designated bins for everyday essentials? When you pre-plan and have specific spots for your belongings, staying organized becomes a breeze. Whether it's assigning designated shelves for shoes or drawer dividers for accessories, having a well-thought-out system will keep everything in its place and save you from the dreaded "where did I put that?" moments. Embrace the power of pre-planning, and watch your organized oasis thrive! With a bit of prep and smart solutions, you'll be sailing smoothly toward that clutter-free paradise.

looking for a step-by-step guide to get your home decluttered + organized?


mindset, decluttering, organizing, and maintaining tips for each area of your home!



Tip #3 Practice Makes Perfect

Ready to make home organization a lifelong habit? Here's a nifty trick to supercharge your progress: Habit Stacking

Habits are the key ingredient to long-term success in any area of life, and home organization is no exception. James Clear, the brilliant mind behind "Atomic Habits," introduces us to the concept of "habit stacking," a powerful technique to effortlessly weave new habits into our daily routines.

So, here's how to put it into action: Identify a habit you're already solidly established in, like brewing your morning coffee or brushing your teeth. Now, pair it with a new organizing task, such as decluttering a small area for just five minutes. By "stacking" this new habit on top of an existing one, you'll create a natural association, making it easier for your brain to embrace and remember. Before you know it, organizing will become an automatic part of your day!

The beauty of "habit stacking" lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. It eliminates the pressure of trying to tackle everything at once and encourages you to take baby steps, celebrating those small wins along the way. So, get ready to stack those habits, as your daily routines become powerful pathways to your beautifully organized, clutter-free haven!


Pat yourself on the back, champ! 🙌 You're now equipped with the secret sauce to long-term home organization. Take those baby steps, celebrate every win, and watch the magic unfold as your home transforms into the oasis you've always dreamed of.


If you're ready to hand off your initial organizing to an expert (before you take over the maintenance), we've got your back!

xo ,Sarah