Beautiful Life Creative Organizing Blog

Clutter, whether it's physical or mental, has been proven to have a direct effect on our mental well-being.  It can cause anxiety to increase, affect your sleep, and even cause you to be less productive in your daily tasks because you're not able to focus. 

Having a cluttered and unorganized home will raise stress levels. Everyone knows that feeling of panic when you’re running late for something, and you can’t find your car keys or the outfit you planned on wearing. When you're home is cluttered, you'll constantly experience this feeling of tension.

When you invest in organizing your space, walking into your home or office will make you feel at peace, while also allowing room to be energized and creative.

Living with visual clutter keeps us from living our best lives. But did you realize that clutter is costing you time and money?! When you can't find things in your home, you'll inevitably end up buying duplicates (or triplicates) for things like food, beauty products, household supplies, and clothes.  In addition to the money wasted, you'll be wasting precious time every single day. It all adds up! That's time and money you could be putting towards the things that matter most to you.

Below are 3 ways your cluttered home is costing you time, money, and energy!

1. Cost of Re-Buying Items You Have, but Can't Find

We've all been there. You're at the market, planning out what you're cooking for dinner, and can't remember if you have that one ingredient. So you buy another one, just in case. You get home and realize you have 2 of them buried in the back of the pantry. Ugh. Instead, imagine that all of your spices, canned goods, baking ingredients, and snacks were beautifully contained and labeled. This way you can easily know when you're running low and need to re-stock.

Organized pantry kitchen


2. Cost of Storing Your Stuff Long-Term

Most of us have more "stuff" than we have the space for. This means either paying for additional storage or cluttering up your garage and every closet available. Doing some simple decluttering could result in not only saving money on extra storage but having more breathing room in your current home. Let the size of your home dictate how much "stuff" you can hold onto. If you only have room to hang 15 dresses, then trying to stuff 30 into your closet isn't ever going to work.

Organized Closet Tips

want to tackle some organizing on your own?

grab our step-by-step guide which will teach you

how to organize like a pro!


3. Cost of Being Delayed by Your Disorganization

Incurring late fees, missing important deadlines and work, or forgetting about appointments and then getting charged... are all real-life results of not being organized. Having an organized home and life means you're on top of your bills and have a system for paying and keeping track of them. A streamlined and functional home also means you have more mental space for organizing your calendar and your day-to-day responsibilities. Life can be easier and less stressful, and organizing yourself and your home is such a key factor in achieving this.

Organized Calendar Schedule


a better use of your time…

We believe that organizing your home and office means you'll have more time, space, and energy to create a beautiful life. This means something different for everyone, whether it's having more quality time to spend with your family, more money to spend on experiences that create lifelong memories, more energy to take your career to the next level, or space to focus on a creative hobby to fuel your soul.

Our mission is to help each of our clients streamline their homes and offices so they can gain back time and decrease stress. The true result our clients get from an organized home goes way beyond just a beautiful Instagram worth pantry (although, who doesn't want to stare at that all day?). We're constantly told how surprised they are with all the ways their lives are improved.

Interested in seeing how we can help you save time, money, and energy? Click below!



If you're looking to bring some orderliness and structure to your daily routine, we can help!

Contact us here and let's get to know each other!


xo, Sarah