Whether you're moving out on your own for the first time, shifting to a different location, or moving in with your significant other, you might just be ready to pull your hair out from the never-ending list of things to do before the big move.

Is it giving you a headache just to think about it? 

If so, we’re here to help! Moving doesn't have to be a big hassle if you're organized and prepared. In this post, we'll go over some tips and tricks that will help you get ready for your big move.

Below are 4 of my best tips for planning a stress-free move!


TIP 1 Labeling Boxes

If you’ve experienced a move when you’ve rushed through or skipped this step, you know the frustration this can lead to. When you don’t properly label your boxes, there’s so much time and energy wasted on the unpacking side of things.

You don’t want to be tearing through boxes and scattering items everywhere just to find what you need. Set yourself up for success by labeling each box with the space the box should be unpacked, and even a few notes on its contents.

PRO TIP: Laura from get organized hq has some amazing resources for your next move. Check out her moving binder printable pack, complete with customizable stickers and a corresponding box inventory list.

Having a box index with details on what’s in each box means you won’t have to waste time opening every box for that one thing you need the night of your move. She even includes a separate section for a few “OPEN ME FIRST” boxes - genius!


TIP 2 Declutter while you pack

You should not pack things you don’t need, like, or use. Moving is the best opportunity to let go of excess clutter. If you realize that there are a lot of things you no longer use or wear, there’s no more of a perfect time than before you move! The last thing you want to do is pay to move things you end up getting rid of after you unpack them.

You might find the following questions helpful for decluttering before moving:

  • When was the last time I wore this?

  • Do I still fit into this?

  • Could there be someone I know who loves this more than I do?

  • Do I want this décor in my new house?

Pro tip: make sure you have a plan for getting those unwanted items out. whether that means dropping them off at a local donation, selling online, or perhaps scheduling a garage sale before the move.

If you need some extra help with decluttering before the move, check out The Simplicity Habit’s printable - Your Home Decluttering Workbook.


TIP 3 Prepare a Box of “Essentials”

There’s nothing worse than waking up for the first time in your new home, and not knowing where your coffee maker is. Make sure to set aside those “must-have” items to get you through the first few days in your new home.

  • Daily Essential Items: Items such as toiletries, makeup/personal card items, first-aid, toilet paper, etc.

  • Seasonal Items: For instance, the kids may need their bathing suits or sunscreen during the Summer, and mittens, scarves, and earmuffs during the Winter.

  • The Routine Items: Take a moment to consider your daily routine and set aside items such as your morning coffee or tea, your multi-vitamin, or any medication you take daily.

pro tip: don’t forget to set aside the bed sheets and pillows so you can easily make your bed for your first night in your new home.


TIP 4 Change your address in advance

Be sure to change your old address to your new address in advance to avoid receiving new mail at your old address. Businesses and government offices may take some time to process the change after being notified, so it's best to notify them as soon as possible. A mail forwarding service can also be arranged.

Here’s a list of who you should inform of your address change:

  • Bank and credit card companies

  • Doctors and dentists

  • Utilities such as gas, telephone, and electric

  • Magazines and newspapers

  • Clubs and associations

  • Your employer and government offices

  • Family and friends of course :)

pro tip: Don't lose your luggage or your pet! Be sure to put your new address on your luggage tags, pet collars and update their microchip info. Also, update your child's school by changing your address in their directory.


does the thought of moving still stress you out?

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Check out our relocation management services. Think of us as your moving concierge. We pack, coordinate movers, unpack and organize…so you have more time to enjoy your new home and your beautiful life.

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