10 Tips To Create A Stress-Free Summer


Summer is almost here, and with it comes the joyful chaos of kids being home from school. As parents, this time can be a blend of excitement and overwhelm. How do you keep the little ones entertained without losing your sanity? How do you keep the older ones off of their devices, without constant arguments?

With some intentional planning, you can create a stress-free summer that balances fun, relaxation, and productivity. Here's how to make the most out of your summer break with kids at home.

tips for an organized summer

Below are 10 tips for an organized and stress-free Summer!


1.set goals with exciting rewards

PRO TIP: Choose goals that foster growth and fun

Encourage your kids to set personal goals for the summer. These can be related to learning new skills, improving in a sport, or completing a creative project. Make it a family activity where each member sets a few goals and decides on a reward for achieving them.

For example, one child might aim to read a certain number of books, while another might want to master a new skateboard trick. Setting goals helps kids stay motivated and gives them something to look forward to. At the end of the summer, celebrate their achievements with a special outing or a small gift.


2. create a summer bucket list

PRO TIP: Include both big and small activities

Creating a summer bucket list is a fun tradition that keeps everyone excited about the months ahead. Sit down with your kids and brainstorm activities you all want to do. Include a mix of small, everyday activities like making s'mores or visiting a local park, and bigger adventures like day trips or family vacations.

Having a list of goals helps ensure that you make the most of your time together. Plus, checking off items as you complete them provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps the momentum going all summer long.

Grab our premade Summer Bucket List here!


download our free summer bucket list!

plan the coolest Summer ever, packed with fun activities and memories that'll make you smile all year long


3. quick cleanup rituals

PRO TIP: Establish “reset” times

Incorporate quick cleanup rituals into your daily routine to keep your home tidy with minimal effort. Set specific times during the day, like before meals or bedtime, for everyone to spend a few minutes putting things away. These small daily resets prevent clutter from piling up and help maintain a stress-free environment.


4. rotating indoor activities

PRO TIP: Rotate toys and crafts

Keep things fresh for the kids and reduce clutter by rotating their toys and activities. Instead of having all toys available at once, store some away and rotate them every few weeks. This keeps the kids engaged and makes old toys feel new again. Plus, it helps in managing the mess by limiting the number of items out at any given time.

summer bucket list

5. simplify and organize outdoor gear

PRO TIP: Create a dedicated outdoor storage area

Organize your outdoor space by creating a dedicated area for gear. Use bins, hooks, and shelves to store items like sports equipment, gardening tools, and outdoor toys. Keeping everything in one place not only makes it easy to find what you need but also keeps your outdoor area tidy and stress-free.


6. implement a chore chart

PRO TIP: Keep it simple and consistent

While summer is all about fun, maintaining some structure is crucial. Implement a chore chart to keep the house running smoothly and teach kids responsibility. Choose age-appropriate tasks and keep the chart simple to avoid overwhelming them.

A chore chart can help balance play and work, and it instills a sense of routine. You might include daily chores like making the bed, tidying up toys, and helping with meal prep. By maintaining a level of organization, you create a stress-free environment where everyone knows their role.

Grab our premade chore chart bundle here!







7. designate tech-free zones and times

PRO TIP: Use tech-free zones to encourage family interaction

In today’s digital age, it’s easy for everyone to get lost in their screens. Designate certain areas of your home as tech-free zones and establish specific tech-free times, like during meals or family game nights. This encourages more face-to-face interaction and helps kids (and adults) disconnect from devices.

Creating tech-free zones promotes relaxation and mindfulness, contributing to a calmer home environment. It also provides opportunities for more meaningful conversations and activities, enhancing family bonds.

Are you looking for tips on HOW TO SET UP A CHARGING STATION TO STREAMLINE YOUR DEVICES? Check out this blog post with our favorite tips.


8. plan weekly family activities

PRO TIPS: Put it on your calendar. This will keep you accountable and help you follow through on your good intentions

Set aside one day a week for a family activity. Whether it’s a movie night, a hike, or a craft project, having a regular family activity fosters togetherness and creates lasting memories. Rotate who gets to choose the activity each week to keep things interesting and ensure everyone’s interests are catered to.

Check out this blog post for 5 EXPERT TIPS FOR AN ORGANIZED SUMMER

organized summer vacation

9. set realistic expectations

PRO TIP: Embrace the mess

Acknowledge that a bit of mess is part of having fun during summer. Set realistic expectations for keeping up with the cleaning and regular household maintenance, understanding that with kids at home, some level of chaos is inevitable. Focus on trying to find the balance between enjoying the summer and keeping your home functional and stress-free.


10. create a flexible routine

PRO TIP: Use visual schedules for younger kids (you can download ours here)

Establishing a flexible routine can help keep everyone on track without feeling too rigid. Create a daily schedule that includes time for chores, play, learning activities, and downtime. For younger kids, a visual schedule with pictures can make it easier for them to understand and follow along.

Having a routine helps manage expectations and reduces the stress of figuring out what to do each day. It provides a sense of security and stability, making the summer days run more smoothly.

Looking for tips on how to get your kids to help organize this weekend? Check out this blog post for some great tips!

organized summer schedule

Creating a stress-free summer is all about finding the right balance between structure and spontaneity. By being intentional with your planning, involving your kids in the process, and leaving room for flexibility, you can ensure a summer filled with fun, relaxation, and growth. So, grab your calendar, make that bucket list, and get ready for an unforgettable summer!

If you try any of these tips or have your own ideas to share, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s make this summer the best one yet!

xo ,Sarah