4 Hacks For Maintaining Your Organized Home


You did the hard work of decluttering and organizing your home…but how do you make sure it stays that way?! Maintaining an organized home is a journey that involves some simple but crucial steps, each playing a role in creating and sustaining an environment of order and serenity. I look at maintenance as the unsung hero of home organization. While decluttering and setting up systems get a lot of attention, it's the ongoing maintenance that truly keeps your space in shipshape condition. Embracing the process of maintenance means committing to small, consistent actions that prevent clutter from creeping back in and ensure your home remains a sanctuary of order and calm.


Below are my top habits and strategies to effortlessly uphold an organized home.


Maintaining your organized home

1. Daily Rituals: Creating Consistency for Long-Term Success

The cornerstone of maintaining an organized home lies in the cultivation of daily rituals. These seemingly mundane yet immensely impactful habits serve as the backbone of organizational sustainability. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to simple tasks such as making the bed, tidying up surfaces, and returning items to their designated places, you lay the groundwork for a clutter-free environment. Consistency is key here; even the smallest actions contribute to the overall sense of orderliness within your home. Set a positive tone for the day ahead by incorporating these rituals into your morning routine, and you'll find that they become second nature over time.

Pro Tip: Enhance the effectiveness of your daily rituals by incorporating mindfulness practices. Take a moment to appreciate the process of tidying up, focusing on each action with intention and gratitude for your living space.

2. Weekly Practices: Fortifying Your Organization Arsenal

In addition to daily rituals, implementing weekly practices sets you up for success in tackling deeper cleaning and decluttering tasks. Designate specific time slots each week to address areas of your home that may require extra attention. Whether it's sorting through mail, decluttering communal spaces, or conducting a pantry inventory, these weekly rituals prevent clutter from accumulating and maintain the overall sense of harmony within your living space. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and adhering to a consistent schedule, you'll avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that clutter doesn’t slowly creep back into your home.

Pro Tip: Customize your weekly cleaning schedule to align with your lifestyle and priorities. This might mean setting aside a few weekend hours, or doing a couple of hours throughout the week while the kids are at school. Tailor your tasks to suit the unique needs of your home and family, and don't hesitate to delegate responsibilities to streamline the process.

3. Monthly Refresh: Nurturing Your Living Environment

While daily and weekly maintenance efforts lay the groundwork for an organized home, incorporating monthly refreshes allows you to nurture and rejuvenate your living environment on a deeper level. Set aside dedicated time each month to tackle more extensive tasks such as deep cleaning the kitchen, reorganizing closets, and decluttering storage spaces. These periodic refreshes not only help to maintain all of the systems you’ve set up in your home but also foster a sense of renewal and revitalization. Embrace the opportunity to assess and refine your organization systems, ensuring that they remain aligned with the evolving needs of your household. What works for a few months, might need to be tweaked a little moving forward…and that’s ok!

Pro Tip: Make your monthly refreshes a collaborative effort by involving your family members or roommates. Turn the process into a fun bonding activity by playing energizing music, rewarding yourselves with a special treat, and celebrating your collective achievements. This can also be a great time to change Holiday decor depending on what season you’re heading into.

4. Embrace the Magic of Maintenance: Creating The Home You Love

Maintaining an organized home is not merely a chore but a journey of self-care and commitment to creating the calm and peaceful home of your dreams. By integrating daily rituals, weekly practices, and monthly refreshes into your lifestyle, you'll effortlessly sustain the magic of an organized home.

Pro Tip: Life can get crazy, and sometimes our organization habits slip. That's okay – it happens to everyone. But once things calm down, getting back on track is easier because you've already done the hard work of decluttering and organizing. You're not starting from scratch, just picking up where you left off. So don't stress – your organized home will be there waiting for you when you're ready.


Sustainable Systems:

Enhancing Long-Term Organization

Regular Review and Adjustment: Set aside time periodically to review your organization systems and make necessary adjustments. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your organization systems is essential for ensuring that your home remains a harmonious reflection of your life's ever-changing landscape. As kids grow and transition through different phases, their needs evolve, necessitating adjustments to the organization of your space. Similarly, personal milestones like changing jobs or moving to a new home often require reevaluating and fine-tuning your systems to accommodate shifting priorities and routines. Additionally, considering the literal seasons prompts the need for adjustments to accommodate changing storage requirements for seasonal items such as clothing, holiday decorations, and outdoor gear. By staying flexible and proactive in your approach to organization, you'll maintain a supportive and functional home environment that adapts seamlessly to life's twists and turns, ensuring that every season – both metaphorical and literal – is met with ease and efficiency.

Practice the One-In, One-Out Rule: Adopting the one-in, one-out rule is a simple yet powerful strategy for maintaining a clutter-free home. Whenever you bring a new item into your space, whether it's a piece of clothing, a kitchen gadget, or a decorative item, commit to removing an existing item of similar size or function. This practice prevents accumulation and encourages mindfulness about what you bring into your home. Before making a new purchase, consider whether it aligns with your needs and priorities, and be prepared to let go of items that no longer serve you. Another great way to put this into action is when you receive an order (you know you get lots of Amazon boxes at your door), you use the empty box to fill up with anything to donate, and drop it off.

Consistent Communication and Collaboration: Whether you're living with family, roommates, or partners, keeping the lines of communication open ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to organization goals and preferences. Regular check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss any changes or challenges that arise, allowing for adjustments to be made collaboratively. Additionally, fostering a spirit of collaboration encourages everyone to take ownership of the organization process, leading to a shared sense of responsibility for maintaining a tidy and functional space. By working together and pooling resources, you can leverage each other's strengths and expertise to create systems that work for everyone. Consistent communication and collaboration not only streamline the organization process but also strengthen bonds and create a sense of unity within the household.


don’t neglect your organized home

Think of maintenance like tending to a garden – you can't just plant the seeds and walk away. Regular watering, weeding, and pruning are necessary to keep things thriving. Similarly, maintaining your organized home requires regular attention to keep things running smoothly.

But here's the good news: maintenance doesn't have to be a daunting task. When you integrate it into your daily routine, it becomes second nature. Whether it's taking a few minutes each day to tidy up surfaces, conducting a quick inventory of your pantry, or scheduling a weekly decluttering session, these small actions add up to big results.








Maintain is the last step (and one of the most critical to your long-term success) in my 4-part framework for having an organized home - Mindset, Declutter, Organize, Maintain.

If you want to learn about how Mindset is an essential first step, check out this post.

After you’ve done the hard work of decluttering and organizing your space, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, you will need to set up a system to maintain all that hard work you put in. That’s where the crucial step of maintenance comes in.

Each part of the framework is super important, and it's best to tackle them in order for the best results. Without the right mindset, decluttering can feel like a big mountain to climb. Once you've decluttered, organizing becomes much easier. And when things are organized, it's way simpler to keep them that way. Finally, by staying on top of maintenance, you prevent clutter from sneaking back in and messing up all your hard work. Following this approach sets you up for long-term success in creating a home that's organized, functional, and just feels good to be in!


Ready for personalized guidance or have specific questions? Reach out to us directly—we're here to help you every step of the way. Your organized haven awaits, and we're excited to be a part of your transformative adventure.

xo ,Sarah

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