How to Design a Home with Wellness in Mind


When you open the door to your home, do you immediately feel at ease, comfortable, and relaxed? If not, we’re here to help! When you design your home with wellness in mind, it becomes a place of refuge that will support and uplift you. Getting organized and decluttering is only the beginning of creating the sanctuary you deserve.

Below are my top 3 tips for creating a home with wellness in mind!


Tip #1: Your Design Must Function as Great as it Feels

A home designed for wellness is one that feels easy and makes your day-to-day life easier, not more stressful. This means that each space should work for your specific routines, habits, and preferences.

For example, do you need a cup of coffee or tea first thing in the morning or you can't hold a coherent conversation (me, I'm that person!). Then let's create a coffee/tea station where everything you need is all in one spot, so there's no early morning thinking required. 

Another example: Do you have kids? Is getting out the door on time a challenge? (I know, that's a silly question and the answer is obviously, YES!) Then you should have a designated drop zone by the door, where everything you need is ready to grab as you run out the door - backpacks, jackets, shoes, hats, etc. When you come home, everything has a place to be put away, so it doesn't end up on the floor or cluttering the countertops.


Tip #2: Your Design Must Stimulate Multiple Senses

Wellness is a multi-sensory experience involving both body and mind. Once you've taken care of the visual clutter and things are in their designated home, why not take it up a couple of notches and light that favorite candle, make a flower arrangement, take a steam shower, or put on some relaxing music? Your home is your place to unwind, feel at ease, and relax. Once it's organized and clutter-free you have the mental space to focus on all the other ways to enhance your wellbeing.




Tip #3: Your Design Must Give a Nod to Nature

Let's imagine we're enjoying a nice spa day...ahhhh, feel those worries melt away. Who doesn't want to have their home feel as relaxing and stress-free? Some ways to evoke those same feelings in your own home is to incorporate similar materials like stone or wood, have plants (faux or live), clay earthenware, natural textiles, and relaxing color palettes.

These examples are just scratching the surface of what wellness-inspired design could mean. If you're curious about how to incorporate this into your home in relation to getting things organized and de-cluttered, we'd love to chat!

If you're ready to create a wellness-inspired home that encourages relaxation, reach out to us.

We can't wait to hear about your project.

xo, Sarah

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