
Closets are one of the most common "problem areas" we see with our clients. It's so easy for this space to become cluttered and disorganized if it isn't set up with the right systems from the beginning. Part of designing a functional closet is deciding what should be folded and what should be hanging. Below I'll outline the pros and cons of each, and how to figure out which will work for you.

Need help deciding what’s right for your space?

Helpful Tips to Determine Which Clothes to Hang

There are 2 main factors in deciding if things should be hung or folded: space and preference.

The first variable is the actual space available for hanging clothes and shelves and/or drawers for folded items. The larger amount of available space for hanging, the more options we have for what can be allocated to that space. If the closet only has a limited amount of hanging space, then we start with hanging dresses, jackets, blouses, and long items like jumpers.

If we have more available space, we can talk about adding other categories based on the second variable, which is personal preferences and lifestyle. For example, when I'm working on a kids' closet, I prefer to hang all the shirts if possible. It's much easier for them to go through the shirts while they're hanging than if they are folded in a drawer. It's also much easier to maintain a tidy space if they are hung. Clothes folded in drawers tend to get messy much quicker for kids, so keep that in mind.



Functional Tips that Influence Which Clothes to Fold

The key to folding is how you fold and where the clothes are going. The most common challenge I see for clients who have folded their clothes in drawers or on shelves is that they become messy and it's hard to access everything. Often they have things piled on top of each other, which makes it hard to get to the things on the bottom, without creating an avalanche of clothes falling over.

The solution for open shelves is to add containers like a basket or a bin. This way the clothes are contained and the basket can be pulled in and out while keeping the clothes from falling all over the place.

The second key is to file-fold the clothing. This is how to keep the basket or drawers tidy while also being able to see each individual item.

PRO TIP: A great resource for learning how to file fold your clothes is the book "The Folding Book" by Janelle Cohen. This fellow-Los Angeles professional organizer created this amazing book which illustrates how to fold literally everything in your home. Check it out!



so…is there a “right” answer?

Nope! (sorry). A common question from my client is, "should I fold or hang my clothes". Unfortunately, my response is a bit more nuanced than a simple definitive answer. Every closet is as different as the person asking the question, so I need more information before I can truly give some helpful advice. I love working with each client to find a perfect blend of great storage solutions to maximize the space while also setting them up for long-term success in maintaining the space.



Need help organizing your closet for ease of access, space-saving, and even joy in getting ready?

Let's chat!


xo, Sarah