the 5 stages of clutter & how to break the cycle

how to declutter your home

Clutter can sneak into our lives, subtly piling up until it becomes an overwhelming force. Recognizing the stages of clutter can be a powerful first step in regaining control and fostering a more organized, stress-free environment. 


Below are the 5 stages of clutter and how to kick it to the curb for good.


Stage 1: Accumulation

Okay, so we've all been there. A little something here, a shiny thing there. At this initial stage, clutter begins innocently enough. Perhaps you remember the feeling of coming home with that "must-have" gadget or trendy decor piece from your quick trip to Target. 

To break the cycle:

  • Mindful Consumption: Reflect on the purpose and well-being contribution of each new item. When you’re shopping, take a moment to think about where this new item will live in your home. Does it have a place in your current systems you have set up? Do you have enough storage space? Perhaps you’ll need to get rid of one thing to create space for another.

  • Regular Assessments: Periodically evaluate your belongings, parting ways with items that no longer align with your needs. Set aside time each Season, to revisit what you’ve used (or not) and purge what is no longer useful.


Stage 2: Awareness

As clutter gains a foothold, you start to notice the disarray. This might mean that you become aware after you struggle to find your keys amid a sea of miscellaneous items on the entryway table. This awareness can be a tipping point, either motivating change or fostering overwhelming feelings.

To break the cycle:

  • Visualize Your Ideal Space: Envision the clutter-free space you desire, using it as motivation to tackle the mess. Which area in your home causes you the most stress? For example, is it your kitchen counters that are constantly being used as a dumping ground for the family’s odds and ends, papers, or projects? Visualize what having a completely clear countertop when you start your day might feel like. How could it make your busy morning a little less hectic? Imagine going to sleep, knowing the kitchen is completely clutter-free. Could that make your nighttime routine a little more peaceful? 

  • Set Small Goals: Break down the decluttering process into manageable tasks. I vividly recall the satisfaction of organizing a single drawer, setting the stage for larger victories. Don’t think you have to start by taking everything you own out of every cabinet and drawer. For most people that’s overwhelming and not setting yourself up for decluttering success. 


Stage 3: Acceptance

Acceptance is acknowledging that clutter has become a persistent issue. I remember the moment I realized my closet wasn't getting any less chaotic on its own. It's an essential step toward creating lasting change. Once you see the clutter, you can’t unsee it. Every time you walk by a pile of papers that need to be dealt with or filed away, even the few seconds of you thinking, “crap, I need to deal with that” or “ugh, when will I have time to tackle that project” will add unnecessary stress to your day.

To break the cycle:

  • Mindset Shift: Embrace the idea that a clutter-free space contributes to mental well-being and productivity. Once you decide this, the motivation to make lasting changes will inevitably follow. 

  • Seek Support: Share your decluttering goals with friends or family. Having a support system provides both encouragement and accountability. Need an accountability partner? I’d love to help! Send me your “before” pictures and I will absolutely cheer you on!


Stage 4: Action

This is where the magic happens—taking intentional steps to declutter. Actions may involve sorting, organizing, and letting go of unnecessary items. The sense of accomplishment that accompanies the bags of donations leaving your home is truly freeing.

To break the cycle:

  • Decluttering Techniques: Find an approach that resonates with your preferences and lifestyle. There are so many resources available online, including programs, courses, books, and blogs. You can check out my ebook that walks you through each area of your home and gives you the roadmap for tackling my 5 container approach to decluttering. Check it out here!

  • Designated Spaces: Create areas for frequently used items. This helps maintain order and prevents future clutter. Think about your family’s daily routines and how new systems might make things more efficient and save you time and space. For example, do your kids have a routine for when they get home from school. Do they put their backpack in the same place every day? Do they put their shoes away near the front door? Do they put their school papers in a specific place for you to review? Do they empty their lunch boxes and put them in a specific place for you to use for the next day? Simple systems will make big impacts on your daily life. Think about how to streamline your spaces by not only decluttering but setting up so that they are easy to use for your specific needs. 


Stage 5: Maintenance

Breaking the clutter cycle isn't just about initial cleanup—it's about maintaining a clutter-free lifestyle. Make no mistake, living a clutter-free lifestyle doesn’t stop once you do your initial decluttering and organizing. Maintenance is the last (and maybe most important) stage in being successful in creating the home of your dreams. 

To break the cycle:

  • Daily Habits: Cultivate routines that prevent clutter, like putting items back in their designated places and addressing mail promptly. Make this a non-negotiable with yourself and your kids. This might take some time since it is most likely a new habit being formed. Be patient and keep at it :) 

  • Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Resets: Doing resets (clearing any clutter that has built up and returning items to their proper place) is key to keeping ontop of the clutter. Check out my ebook, with comes with pre-made Reset lists for each area of the house!

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule assessments to prevent clutter from reaching overwhelming levels. I've found that consistent efforts make the ongoing maintenance more manageable. I like to do these check-ins each Season. After Summer, before the kids head back to school, think about what systems you want to create for easy weekday morning and night routines. Also, take time to swap out seasonal clothes, so your closets aren’t cluttered with Summer clothes when it’s the middle of Winter. 

how to organize your home kids room

By recognizing and navigating through these stages, you can break the clutter cycle and create a living space that truly reflects your values and promotes a sense of well-being.

Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about progress. Celebrate those small victories—the tidy drawer, the clutter-free countertop, or the bag of donations ready for a new home.

But hey, if you're reading this and thinking, "I need a decluttering wingman," we've got your back. We're here for you! Whether you're stuck in Stage 1 or conquering Stage 5, our team of home organizing pros is just a message away. Let's turn your space into the organized sanctuary you've been dreaming of.

looking for a step-by-step guide to get your home decluttered + organized?

Grab the ultimate home organizing guide!

mindset, decluttering, organizing, and maintaining tips for each area of your home!



Ready to break the cycle?

Reach out to us for personalized, one-on-one home organizing guidance. Drop us a message, and let's make your space a stress-free haven together. Because your dream home is just a declutter session away!

xo ,Sarah

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