Holiday Home Organizing in Los Angeles

Who's ready for the Holidays? No? Ok cool, me either. But that's ok.... we still have time to set ourselves up for success! We got this - and I’m here to help.

Below are 10 easy and actionable tips you can start implementing today. This year has been hard on so many levels, let’s try and wrap it up as stress-free as possible.

Cheers to a calm and relaxing holiday!

1.Gift wrapping supplies

As soon as you read this, pull out all of your wrapping paper, ribbon, gift tags, tape and tissue paper and see what you have and what you need. This is step 1 to another hack later in the list ;)

TIP: Buy your Holiday wrapping paper supplies on Black Friday / Cyber Monday. You can score some great deals, plus you'll be ahead of the game and ready to wrap all those gifts. My favorite places for great deals on gift bags, supplies and paper: Target, World Market and Society6.

home organizing holiday tips

2. Pantry

The Holidays are when many of us do the bulk of our baking. Pull out all of the staple ingredients and see what has expired and what you're running low on. There’s nothing worse than getting all set to bake some cookies with the kids and then realizing the baking soda is expired!

TIP: Go through your canned and dry goods and donate non-expired items that have been in your pantry for a few months to a local food bank. Chances are your family won’t miss it if it’s been hiding in the back of your cabinet.

los angeles home organizing holiday pantry declutter

3. Prep your planner

The minute Halloween is over, don’t the next 2 months seem to fly by!? Having a plan for all your Holiday activities, baking projects, gift buying, and decorating will save you time and stress so you can actually enjoy doing all of these things.

TIP: Use the printable Calendars in the download below to write out your family's schedule for the next 2 months. Post them in your home's "command area" or a place where everyone can see them.


4. Budget

Is it just me, or does Holiday gift buying always end up being way more expensive than you anticipated? Sometimes when I start buying gifts in November, I don't remember everything I've bought by the end of December and end up over buying. Set your gift budget now, so you aren’t tempted to buy those last minute gifts in a panic.

TIP: Use the Holiday Gift Planning printable in the download below to plan out your gift buying gameplan. Everytime you make a purchase, jot it down. This way you not only keep track of what everyone is getting but also you stay on top of your budget.

holiday planning budget tips organizing home los angeles

5. Toy purge

With the Holidays, comes the STUFF. This is a great time to go through the kids playroom and art supplies and trash what’s broken or donate toys that they have outgrown and don't play with anymore.

TIP: This is a great way to start a new Holiday tradition where your kids choose some gently used toys to donate to a local charity, or leave for Santa on Christmas Eve to take to other boys and girls.

home organizing services in los angeles

6. Make a bucket list

The Holidays are always filled with special things we want to do, places to go, things to make and traditions to continue. Personally, I think this is what makes this time of year so special. Undoubtedly, we will have to make alterations to our “normal” Holiday fun, but with a little creativity, we can still plan to to make the Holidays something special for our loved ones.

TIP: Use the printable Holiday Bucket List to really be intentional with what you want to accomplish this season. Writing it down is so much more effective than keeping a mental list. Get your family's input so everyone is involved.

Winter home organizing tips

7. give yourself deadlines

Assign deadlines for each of your tasks. This is a great habit to get into year round, however during the Holidays when life gets a little more hectic, efficiently managing our time becomes even more important.

TIP: Break down large tasks into smaller ones and assign deadlines. For example, if you're planning on sending out Holiday cards, you will have to schedule a date for the family photo, create the card, update your mailing list and more. Note each deadline on your calendar so it's easier to accomplish.

home organizing holiday planner

8. Work with what you have

It can be tempting to buy new holiday decor when you see the festive store displays, seasonal catalogs and online sales. Just keep in mind...there's nothing wrong with using what's on hand and you will probably thank yourself in February for not buying another set of holiday themed dishes.

TIP: When you pack up the Holiday decor, really try and ask yourself if you need and want each item. If it's served its purpose for you home, consider giving it away or donating it. Remember, “outer order = inner calm”. Start your New Year with less clutter and you will not only have more physical space but also more breathing room in your life.

los angeles holiday organizing tips

9. Let go of perfection

One of my favorite sayings is “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” - and there is no better place to apply this then during the Holidays. Remember: sometimes good enough is good enough :)

TIP: Holiday crafts are a great way for the whole family to channel their creativity and make lasting memories. Don't worry about making a Pinterest-perfect gingerbread house, just have fun doing it!

holiday christmas planning home organizing

10. Wrap as you go

Want to know what I do every Christmas Eve? Wrap ALL the presents. But guess what? Not this year! I'll be wrapping the gifts as I buy them. I can feel my stress levels coming down already...ahhh.

TIP: Set up a small wrapping station somewhere in your home so your supplies are easily accessible as the gifts come into the house. Just be sure to label what’s inside and whom they’re for!

los angeles home organizing and wrapping gifts

And now for those free printables I’ve made for you…

I hope you find these helpful so you can stress less and enjoy more!

xo, sarah